Heritage Rifle and Pistol Club is a private non-profit member owned corporation. With the exception of our competitive matches, which are all open to the public, Heritage is a members only club. We do not make provisions for any visits by non-members except as the guest of a member.


Our membership is capped at a total of 200 active members. We only accept applications for new members once each year, during the month of March. Applications are screened in the order they are received until the full capacity of 200 members have been admitted. We do not accept applications for membership at any time other than this one month time period each year, and there is no waiting list maintained for applicants after this time period each year.


At this time, the club is fully subscribed. If there are any openings, we will be accepting new Membership Applications the first weekend of March and will post to that effect on the website. The new member application will be available on this page on that date to be downloaded, printed, and mailed or emailed to our membership secretary. As stated above, we do not maintain any sort of waiting list or notification list for new member applicants.


New applicants for membership must meet the following requirements:

  • Must provide proof of identity with a current, valid government issued photo ID at the time of application.

  • Must be 21 years of age, either a U.S. Citizen or legal resident.

  • Must provide proof of character in one of the following ways:

    • Present a current and valid Pistol Permit or CCW from Alabama or another state

    • Furnish a current criminal background check letter (no older than 90 days) from the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center indicating that the individual has no criminal convictions, or criminal arrest record of any type.

    • Current, valid, active duty military picture ID

    • Current, valid, law enforcement picture ID

  • Must be a current member of the National Rifle Association. No exceptions.

  • Must pass a written test on gun safety and range procedures before their in person interview.

  • Must pass an in person orientation interview conducted by the club officers.


Each applicant who passes a written safety test will be interviewed and approved by a designated HRPC officer or membership committee designee to determine if the applicant appears to have the necessary firearms knowledge, skills, and attitude to conduct themselves safely with firearms at our range.


The Heritage Rifle and Pistol Club does not, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, physical disability, or national origin. We do reserve the right to deny membership to any individuals, who do not meet all of the above stated requirements or our officers or directors determine, do not to have the necessary knowledge, attitude, and skills for safe shooting and firearm handling based on the NRA's guidance for these issues as outlined in the formal NRA training and gun safety programs.


Members are allowed to bring guests but must accompany them at all times. Any legal firearm may be used at the range. This includes full autos and other class III weapons so long as they are legally owned and properly registered (Class III paperwork must be present with the firearm at all times).


The club offers members a 100 yard rifle range (extended distance planned), complete with covered firing line and five benchrests. There are also five areas for pistol shooting with distances out to fifty yards. Two of these areas have shelter as well, one has steel plate arrays with remote reset.


Membership requires a $100.00 initiation fee. Annual dues are $150.00 due on January 31st each year.


A $25 late fee applies to existing member renewals paid after February 1st of each year.


Because of all the things we need to accomplish with range improvements and clean up, the club will schedule 5 work days every year. Every member of the club will be required to either attend 4 hours of one of these designated work days, or make arrangements with the club president for a special work project to be performed independently, or pay an assessment of $50.00 at the end of the year.


Any member who has dropped out within the last 3 years may pay the $50 work day fee and current year dues in full ($150.00) to re-affiliate with the club, however the membership written gun safety test and attending the new member orientation event will be required for re-affliated members just as they do for a new member. After a three year period, past club members are treated as new members.


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